MassMutual Releases New GI Product, Palladium Horizon
MassMutual is the premier bank-owned and company-owned life insurance company. They are one of the highest-rated carriers with one of the largest and most stable balance sheets. Since its entry into the BOLI market more than 30 years ago, MassMutual has offered an array of BOLI products that provide insurance protection enabling organizations to informally fund benefit liabilities. Their BOLI solutions are designed to meet the unique and evolving needs of banking institutions.
MassMutual is one of the highest-rated insurance companies in any industry:
Financial Strength Ratings as of 1/1/2023
- AM Best A++ (1st of 15 ratings)
- Fitch AA+ (2nd of 20 ratings)
- Moody’s Aa3 (4th of 21 ratings)
- Standard & Poor’s AA+ (2nd of 21 ratings)
- ALIRT Score AAA (1st of 7 ratings)
In response to the recent rise in interest rates, MassMutual has released a new general account BOLI product named Palladium Horizon, also known as Strategic Life 19 (SL19). The product is designed to take advantage of higher interest rates by offering a new money yield. By way of example, see the annual return on cash value for a Tier 1 purchase (premium less than $5M), guarantee issue, male, age 45, using the crediting rate as of January 2023 which was 4.40%:
From a performance perspective, the cash value return looks great! In addition, the product has a 1.00% guaranteed minimum crediting rate, just like their previous generation of Palladium BOLI product.
Key differentiators of the product include:
- Competitive yields with crediting rates based on a new money rate crediting rate methodology
- Account value is not subject to fluctuating mark-to-market valuations
- Stability via a 1.00% guaranteed minimum interest rate
- Current insurance charges are subject to guaranteed maximums
- No charges on cash surrenders
- 1035 exchange charges
- First 5 years: greater of % of premium and interest rate-based exchange charge
- Interest rate-based exchange charge applies for 20 years
- Available with guarantee issue, simplified issue, of full medical underwriting
The vast majority of business we place with MassMutual is guarantee issue (GI). This means that the participants need to sign a consent form and provide some information about whether or not they have missed work due to sickness or injury. There are no medical requirements, no medical tests, and no review of medical records. As long the bank has a group of at least 10 participants and they are all between the ages of 20 and 70, the group can qualify for GI.