macro view
Credit unions face extraordinary financial challenges today. Margins are contracting while operational expenses are on a continual uphill climb. Know the right questions to ask to crystalize your board’s direction.
develop your game plan
With employee benefits expanding at a rate of 6% or more per year, credit union boards are tasked with funding competitive plans and options. You want to reward and retain employees through retirement contributions, disability plans, and non-qualified deferred compensation for executives.
use our expertise
Our team of experts works with you in the design and launch of investment options that garner higher returns where a portion is available to fund employee benefits, executive recruitment, retention plans, and charitable contributions. We bring unique opportunities to offset the cost of benefit plans and charitable giving, using alternative, flexible tools.
getting the best advice?
At Newcleus, we believe that our highest purpose exceeds that of our competitors by developing investment strategies that generate income for your organization using the best-suited products for the purpose.